October 2, 2012

Bake Along #33 : Cream Puff With Lemon Rosemary Filling

Ok, guess its really time for me to update my blog just a little more... LOL . So sorry for being away for so long. Not gonna be long winding about my job again this time, guess everyone already knows....Heehee...It's time for our Bake Along again. This time around , we are gonna bake Cream Puff .  I gotta say I was lucky to succeed on my first attempt . The later was history .... gosh , I just couldn't stop baking cream puff ever since.
I knew I didn't do a good job this time around , brain jam for that split second as I was not able to capture the right angle . I keep playing around with the cream puff, arranging it on a plate , a box , a fork , well nothing really impress me . Guess my brain kind of need a break too yeah . Since I have some fresh rosemary in my garden , I have decided to make good use of it .Heehee....... fresh herbs in my garden always makes me feel good to bake ..... the aroma of the fresh herbs goodies baking in my oven makes me feels relaxing ...... 
If you have follow my blog all along, you will know how much I love lemon . I have opted to fill the cream puff with Lemon Rosemary Cream with a dollop of Lemon Curd in the middle. Yum yum.........
Please kindly hop over to Quay Po Cook's blogspot for the recipe . As usual , I am kind of in a rush to finish up everything . Again , I would like to apologize for being MIA . I promise to try to post more recipe as soon as time permits .

I am submitting post to Bake Along #33 : Creme Puff hosted by Lena of frozen wings , Joyce of kitchen flavours and Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids

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  1. So good to see you baking again! Your cream puffs' DELISH!

  2. Oh this sounds absolutely lovely! Two of my all time favourite flavours in a cream puffs, aiyoh, to die for..i am very intimidated by making cream puffs, never tried before, but looks like i have to give it a go this time!

  3. Your cream puffs look very yummy! I have never baked a cream puff before. Guess there's always a first time :)

  4. Hi Abby! "Long time no see!!" Nice to see that you can find time to bake these lovely puffs! Lemon Rosemary Cream sounds delicious!
    Thank you for baking along with us! Hope to see you again real soon! Hehehe!

  5. Bet that was absolutely stunning! Drool!!!

  6. hello abby, i almost missed this post! how are you?? i'm glad that you took some time off to bake these beautiful cream puffs to join us tis round. i dont know how it tasted with rosemary but i love lemons like you!anyway i think your presentation is just as good as before! thanks for joining !! dont disappear so long!

  7. Hi Abby,

    Nice to hear from you again! Like Lena, I thought no one else will be joining us after Amrita's Totoro puffs...

    Didn't do a good job? Where? I think you are setting your standard too high :D


  8. Lemon is my favourite fruit too :) I missed the cream puff bake along. Yours look fantastic!

  9. Hi Abby,
    How are you?
    Dropping by to wish you A HAPPY NEW YEAR!
    Best wishes for a wonderful 2013!

  10. Realmente exquisito me encanta tiene un aspecto perfecto y delicioso,abrazos

  11. I love cream puffs and your lemon rosemary ones sounds delicious. I'll hop over to check out the recipe later on. I know, cream puffs aren't easy to take pictures with. I have to say you did a very good job. :)

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  126. Faculties of idea here are numerous schools of concept Juggernox inside the muscle gaining food regimen controversy that seems to be contradictory; however, each has its own benefit. What it comes to ultimately is there definitely isn't always a unmarried "one length fits all" diet method to observe with a purpose to build muscle. every man or woman is one-of-a-kind, with.For more ==== >>>>>> http://guidemesupplements.com/examination-juggernox/

  127. After applying the information you Trigger XL
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  128. Beauty routines might be intimidating Beauty routines might be intimidating for someone who has never given them a thought. You may feel overloaded by information due to the wealth of resources novices can now access. This article will help you figure out what will work for you. for someone who has never given them a thought. You may feel overloaded by information due to the wealth of resources novices can now access. This article will help you figure out what will work for you.


  129. Getting in the practice of learning Raw Nitro
    a new recipe often will help encourage healthy eating habits an good nutrition. Trying new dishes will keep your diet interesting and challenging. It's also something you could do to make eating healthy food adventurous and fun as opposed to it being obligatory and boring.

  130. You want to consume low-fat foods that Raw Nitro
    are high in protein for a diet that is heart healthy. Turkey and chicken are healthy foods, but should only be eaten without the skin. Don't ever fry poultry, either. You should only boil, bake, broil or roast it. White meat is more healthy for you than dark meat.


  131. Plant oils that are rich in nutrients DermaVie Hydrafirm are the best thing to get rid of psoriasis. You should try using some argan oil, a natural emollient from argan trees. This oil can help you rid yourself from oil patches that psoriasis brings.
    DermaVie Hydrafirm

  132. Be sure to clean the fitness center equipment Boostero before you use it. Keep in mind the germs that could be left by the last user. Your intention was to get yourself healthier at the gym, not to get ill.


  133. the promises produced by many makers are also sometimes exaggerated.Because of the exaggerated claims, many men feel inferior and opt for male enhancement and they go on to check out too many male enhancement items and methods. Among all of the males who choose penile enhancement methods,
    For more>>> http://www.crazybulkmagic.com/apexatropin/

  134. Don't extend your thumb around Max Testo XL the bar when doing exercises like pull-ups or lat pull-downs. You will be able to focus on your primary back muscles by putting your thumb next your index finger. It can take some getting used to, but will help you target the appropriate muscles.


  135. Are you attempting to get fit? A skipping Black Diamond Force rope is a cheap-and-easy way to get your blood flowing so that you can begin your workout fresh.


  136. It must be found that expert muscle developers Alpha Force Testo have no hope in correctly aggressive without the help of supplements and nutrients. As one gets larger, they may need an increasing number of food to either gain or preserve their muscular tissues and frame. for instance, a couple of lb weightlifter could need at the least a couple of.For more ==== >>>>>> http://facts4supplements.com/alpha-force-testo/

  137. Stay conscious of the liquids you put into your Aura Slim Garcinia body if you're dieting. All beverages other than water have calories in them. Calories from drinks such as soda, alcoholic drinks, or fruit drinks total up at the end of the day to be a large amount. You won't stay on track with your weight loss goals if you don't count the calories that you drink.


  138. Try to train opposing muscles in the same workout,Muscle Boost X a including the chest with your beck or the quads with the hamstrings. By working out this way, one muscle can take a break while the other is being trained. The result is increasing your workout intensity by limiting the time you need to spend at the gym.
    Muscle Boost X a

  139. Eat well enough on days that you want to Iron Bull Edge
    build muscle. Consume a few extra calories about 60 minutes before you begin your workout. This doesn't mean you should overeat on workout days; you should, however, eat more on days that you work out than on days that you don't.


  140. Always include the "big three" exercises in your Max Testo XL training schedule. These bulk-building exercises include squats, bench presses and dead lifts. These exercises not only add bulk to your muscles, but they improve your strength and condition your body as well. It's important to tailor your exercises to include variations of these regularly.


  141. Make sure that you are not allergic to your Operalux fake eyelashes. Apply the glue that is used to a non sensitive part of your skin to determine if you might have an allergy. Put a protective strip over the test area.

  142. One simple way to determine your skin type Opulent Rejuva is to do a tissue test. By applying a tissue directly to the facial surface upon waking, the quantity of oil that remains on it will indicate whether your skin is oily, dry or a combination of the two. You can then determine the best way to take care of your skin, depending on its type.

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  146. Focus on alternating your fitness routine Alpha Max No2
    to concentrate on your frontal muscles, then your back muscles. If you concentrate too much on either your abs or your back muscles, you put yourself at risk for back pain. Working both muscle groups at every opportunity is a good way to steer clear of back problems and ineffective workouts.

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  151. One easy way to improve your fitness levels
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    is to pick up a pair of rollerblades. Rollerblading isn't the craze it was a few decades back, but it remains a great way to burn calories. Another benefit of rollerblades is that they are very easy to find.


  152. That is a question relevant to Muscle Force FX that rarely comes up. I am learning to view myself as this.Muscle Force FX plays another urgent role. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. Muscle Force FX does take time. In general, students won't slap you around for that. I don't imagine I must have a career in public relations. We should see it within minutes from now. That might have a positive outlook. For why I think it's time to buy Muscle Force FX, see my previous article. Even though, check out Muscle Force FX.


  153. You need to consume carbohydrates, if you Alpha Monster Advanced
    hope to build your muscles. Carbs are the element that gives your muscles the energy necessary to perform each day and recover for the next. When performing intense workouts, it is important to eat between 2-3 grams of carbohydrates for every pound of weight you carry, each and every day.


  154. To shed excess pounds, it is crucial to keep HL Slim Pro a close eye on the food you consume. Monitoring what you eat, and following a regular fitness program will lead to a healthier lifestyle. Above all, focus on burning more calories than you consume.


  155. One problem with muscle building is that Nitric Muscle Uptake
    some groups take longer to develop than others. A fill set can target problem groups. This is a set that has about 25 reps a few days after the last workout.



  156. The most efficient way to get physically fit is daily basis. This helps you can burn more calories in the same amount of each workout session. It also helps your exercise to become a workout routine. Be sure that you're saving a few days a week for exercise that is more light so your body isn't overworked.


  157. A frustrating part of muscle building is that Alpha X Boost some muscle groups show immediate results, while others take longer to develop. Including fill sets in your routine will help you to boost the results in those areas. This is an abbreviated set (only 25-30 reps) of an exercise to work the deficient muscle group. This set is performed once two to three days have passed since the group was previously exercised.


  158. Strength training is necessary to build Alpha X Boost your lean muscle mass and reshape your body. This type of training helps to build your metabolism, which can reduce the amount of fat that you store during the day. Whenever you workout a muscle group, you should allow yourself a minimum of one day of rest before you work it out again.


  159. A great way to work around muscles that stop Test Boost Elite you from performing certain exercises is to pre-exhaust. Certain exercises may cause bicep fatigue before your lats are exhausted. Isolating your lats with an exercise like straight-arm pull-downs will help you to tire them out while allowing your biceps to relax. This causes the lats to be exhausted prior and when doing rows, the biceps should not limit you.

  160. Exercises like bench pressing and squats Alpha Maxis
    are especially good for bulking up your muscles. Dead-weight lifting is also an excellent option. By doing these exercises, you will build muscles and get in shape fast. You can add different exercises to your routine, but these three should really be at the core.


  161. A problem that can hamper muscle building MuscleX TST 1700

    is that some muscle groups grow slower than others. Use fill sets to target your problem muscle groups. Fill sets are brief sets of exercises that target the slow-growing group. Do them a few days after the last workout in which the group was strenuously worked.


  162. The amazing health benefits of fiber include Testo Muscle Fuel

    reductions in the incidence of diabetes, heart conditions, and excess weight. Soluble fiber stops the body from processing cholesterol and fat. You should get around 20 g of fiber if you are a woman and 30 if you are a man. Just by including the proper amount of fruits, vegetables and whole grains into your daily meals should help you get the correct amount of fiber. You can also find supplements for fiber at the store if needed.


  163. Protect your lips, just like the rest of your Beard Czar
    skin. Use a moisturizing lip balm that offers UV protection. Comparatively, your lips are the most sensitive skin you have. This means UV protection is of utmost importance. Studies show that approximately 47 percent of the population uses lip balm with UV protection. Therefore, over 50 percent expose their lips to harmful UV rays.


  164. Just because you've got an allergy to one ingredient in skin care doesn't mean that you've always had it or that you'll always have it. If you have tried something that gave you a reaction before, you can try it again by testing a small area of skin.


  165. If your skin is sensitive, you should find Aviqua Wrinkle Complex
    skin care products that are made specially for sensitive skin. Products that contain perfumes, dyes, chemicals or are not hypoallergenic, create irritated skin and lead to rashes and breaking out.
    Aviqua Wrinkle Complex

  166. Occasionally, a pimple or other skin blemish Regenere Skin
    can affect our appearance. An effective home remedy for treating a pimple is to place a small dab of toothpaste on it. Don't use the gel form - only regular toothpaste will work. Keep the toothpaste on the spot for approximately 10 minutes before removing it with a clean, moist cloth. This should drastically reduce the appearance of the pimple.

  167. Believe it or not, you can reduce the puffy look Skin Amour Serum
    of your face from within. Place an ice cube in your mouth, and press it against the roof with your tongue. Then, splash some cold water on your face, and you will get rid of the puffiness within minutes inexpensively.
    Skin Amour Serum

  168. When you have sensitive skin, exfoliating with Rapid Ageless Serum
    irritating body scrubs can do more harm then good. Take a warm bath and dry your skin with a clean cloth made of organic fibers. This helps eliminate dead skin cells but avoids irritation from abrasives or harsh chemicals.
    Rapid Ageless Serum

  169. You don't have to spend a lot of money, follow VibrantC Skin Cream odd advice or try untested products to get great skin. Good skin actually comes from knowing how to deal with your skin. With these suggestions and tips, you can keep your skin glowing.


  170. There are ways that you can prevent gaining Garcinia X5
    weight while working. Many of today's jobs involve a lot of sitting, which further promotes that sedentary lifestyle. Try to bring documents to coworkers; this gives you a bit of exercise. You will feel more healthy and stay slim


  171. Be aware of your body's energy level, and take Testoflex Advanced
    a break when you feel exhausted. It's common to be told you aren't allowed to rest until a certain point in the workout. Honestly, you need to listen to what you body tells you more than what the trainer is telling you. Take a break whenever your body tells you to. If you don't, you might get injured.


  172. Trim Genesis Garcinia

    Sleeping at least eight hours each night is crucial for your body when it is trying lose weight. When you get exhausted, take a time out and get a little rest. If you believe that depriving yourself of sleep is a means to successfully lose weight, then you need to think again. Care for your body and sleep well each night to watch the weight come off.


  173. If your skin is dry, try not to use soap. Replace Erase Repair Skin soaps with a moisturizing wash to keep a healthy skin. When bathing, avoid a bubble bath as the foaming ingredient is very harsh on your skin. A good alternative is using bath oil or oatmeal body wash that will sooth any dry itchy skin. Apply moisturizer after drying off.
    Erase Repair Skin

  174. Choose water or natural fruit juice instead of soda.Ultimate Alpha Extreme Sodas add large amounts of sugar and empty calories to any diet. Sweet beverages with a citrus taste may include citric acid, a mild corrosive that can cause harm to teeth. The high sugar content of corn syrup also encourages bacteria to grow on and between your teeth.


  175. Weight lifting can help improve your running.
    Endovex Male Enhancement
    Don't be like other runners; lift weights! Studies have shown runners who use weights can run further and faster, with less fatigue, than runners who do not lift weights.


  176. When embarking on a new fitness routine, start
    Hyper Tone Force
    slowly. You need to pay attention to using the proper form, breathing, and technique. This will be the best way to advance and not get injured. If you do exercises incorrectly, you could injure yourself. and your goals will be harder to achieve.


  177. Hyper Tone Force Small muscles are fatigued
    Hyper Tone Force
    faster than large muscle groups. Use handheld dumbbells first, then barbells and then machines last.


  178. You must know your limits, but you shouldn't stop
    Andronite Enhanced
    doing a set until you've lifted as much as you can. With every set, it is important to exert yourself to the point of being unable to go any further. If necessary, trim the length of each set as your body tires.


  179. Never make the assumption that dietary supplements Andronite Enhanced
    alone are sufficient to improve nutrition. Supplements are not meant to replace food. A single, high quality multivitamin consumed daily along with a truly balanced and healthful diet should produce optimum results.


  180. Sun damage can be reversed. These options
    Novellus Skin
    may include procedures such as dermabrasion, chemical peels or laser abrasion. You can try each of these treatments by themselves, or you can combine them. You can repair damage with out surgery by getting an acidic facial from a professional.


  181. With all of the productsAviqua Wrinkle Complex and beauty advice out there, finding the best method for you can be hard. The advice here should help you explore your personal beauty. Try a few new tips, spend some time experimenting and most of all, have some fun! You will look great and feel better too. As this article went over, you can do quite a few things to make yourself look and feel great. By incorporating the ideas mentioned in these tips into your everyday beauty routine, you will be looking great and feeling ready to take on any challenges that come your way.http://www.wecareskincare.com/aviqua-wrinkle-complex/

  182. An active lifestyle boosts metabolismEnchanted Garcinia which burns calories and unwanted pounds. Try not sitting at all for a full day. This helps keep your metabolic level up so that you are constantly burning calories and losing weight.
    Lose weight more quickly by eating at home more often. Eating out can be problematic because the portions of restaurant foods are much larger than generally desired for weight loss. It is hard to eat healthy when you are out since the fat, sugar and salt content are so high.http://www.garciniasupplier.com/enchanted-garcinia/Enchanted Garcinia /

  183. You can help your hair retain Nuviante moisture so it is less likely to develop frayed and broken ends. When you are shampooing your hair, the water temperature can make quite a difference. Rinse the hair with cool water after shampooing. This can keep your hair moisturized.If you need to blow dry your hair, do not concentrate it in one area. Instead, move it around. This helps you to avoid your hair becoming damaged from overheating.http://www.healthbuzzer.com/nuviante/

  184. A good treatment for enlarged pores, acne, or oily
    Nuvega Lash
    skin is a face wash that contains some lemon juice. Once or twice weekly, use the lemon juice to shrink enlarged pores and soak up excess oil.

    Nuvega Lash

  185. The nutrition you get from yourChantel St Clairediet affects every organ of your body, including your skin. If you want clearer skin, make sure your body has all the nutrients and vitamins it needs. This is very true, especially in terms of digestion, which affects the quality of your skin. One way to improve your digestion is by incorporating proper amounts of fiber in your diet. Your skin and digestive system will both thank you when you consume more fiber.You should always add fabric softener when you are doing the laundry. When clothing is softer, it will be less irritating to the skin -- even after prolonged contact..http://www.wecareskincare.com/chantel-st-claire/

  186. The most important factor in weight lifting is your Clemix Male Enhancement technique. Technique trumps speed, frequency and even intensity. You should get comfortable performing every exercise correctly. For the best results, practice with lighter weights first so that you will gain the most benefits when you use heavier weights later.


  187. Avoid the temptation ofAnibolX steroids. These drugs hurt your body in a myriad of ways, including the inhibition of your body's natural hormone production. Steroids have been shown to cause damage to the liver, reduce good cholesterol and even cause men to increase their breast size. "Roid rage," the pattern of violent mood swings and reduced impulse control commonly associated with steroid use, is very real. Steroids can even result in severe acne outbreaks. So there really isn't much that is good about them after all, right?http://www.supplements4news.com/anibolx/

  188. Brush your skin with a dry soft brush before
    Femora Cream showering to stimulate oil production and improve the health of your skin. Use circular motions when brushing, starting with your feet and moving up to your face. Finish it off with gentle soaping in a warm shower.

    Femora Cream

  189. By putting moisturizerElysian Ageless Eye Serum in your foundation, it will last longer. Additional benefits to doing so include more SPF for your face, as well as a natural glow.A great way to switch up your beauty routine and add a little spark to your makeup is to use shimmer eye shadow. When glittery eye shadow is worn, a shiny effect is produced, which causes your eyes to seem much larger and brighter.

  190. If you want to add bulk, it is important to do bench Alpha Prime Elite presses, squats and dead lifts. These three specific exercises yield maximum benefits fast and let you continue building good muscle. You can add more exercises to your workout regimen, but those three exercises should make up the core of it.

  191. You should never shave when your skin
    Derma Pearls is dry. If you can, always use some sort of lathering product like shaving cream. You can get ingrown hairs and very dry skin if you shave without any shaving cream. Make sure to moisturize after shaving. Your skin will be moisturized and any irritation will be soothed.To help with acne and get great looking skin, make sure to maximize the amount of time you spend outdoors and in the sun. Go to the park during lunch, or do your exercise routine outside. You need to get outside because the sun helps your body make vitamin http://www.wecareskincare.com/derma-pearls/

  192. If you are going to use creatine supplements to assist Testshred with your muscle gain, you should use caution, especially when taking them for an extended period of time. If you have any kidney conditions, do NOT use creatine! Another possible effect of creatine supplementation is adverse effects on the heart muscle, including arrhythmia and heart muscle cramps. Young people in particular are at risk. If you do use the supplement, make sure you follow the recommended dosage and schedule.

  193. Creating a schedule for Bio Rocket Blast your program can allow you to maximize your muscle building potential and prevent injury. Anyone new to building muscle should probably work out only twice weekly, while veteran exercisers can move up to three, and even four, times a week.Preceding and following up your workouts with foods that contain plenty of protein is a good practice when you want to maximize muscle growth. As a good rule of thumb, eat 15 grams of protein about 30 minutes prior to exercising, then another 15 grams when you are finished. You can get this quickly and easily by drinking a tall glass of milk.http://www.supplements4news.com/bio-rocket-blast//

  194. If your skin care regimen is Bellavei Skin Whitener ineffective or you see drastic variations taking place, find a dermatologist. Don't delay medical care because you think "it's just skin."When doing the laundry, use a fabric softener to improve the quality of your clothing. This makes your clothes softer and less likely to irritate your skin. If you reside in a dry climate, this tip can be very beneficial.One fantastic skin care trick is to get plenty of sleep. Lack of sleep can cause a formation of wrinkles under your eyes. Eight hours is optimal, but seven should be okay.http://www.supplements4news.com/bellavei-skin-whitener/

  195. Eating plenty of protein is highly beneficial Horlaxen

    towards the building of muscles. Protein supplements and protein shakes are excellent ways to boost your body's supply of this vital nutrient. These supplements are most effective before or after a workout, as well as before bed. If you would like to drop fat and build muscle at the same time, you should just consume one per day. Try having three a day when you want to get bigger while building muscle.


  196. Be sure that youTestabolan CYP know what your body can and can't do. This can help you to develop an effective plan and set solid, yet realistic goals when it comes to your exercise regimen. What are your composition and body weights Never attempt to bulk up with steroids or stimulants; using these chemicals can cause irreversible damage to your body and your health.http://www.realperfecthealth.com/elevate-igf/
