
July 16, 2012

Dinner again ...........Three Cups Chicken with Pork Ribs Peanut Porridge

Lately , I was pretty lazy to bake as my job is seriously taking up most of my time. As baby is growing up , I have to pay extra attention to him . He will stick to me clinging at my legs the moment I step into my house . Well , I have to admit that I love that very much . His welcoming smile is so warm as if he is telling me " well , mom , no worries I am a good boy " kind of smile. I simply love his laughter , his smile and he will even imitate some cartoon characters just to cheer me up sometimes.
Last weekend was a busy weekend for me. But.... it didn't stop me from trying out new dishes for my family . I was browsing thru some recipes over at Wendy's when I saw this recipe about three cups chicken which sounds flavorful and yummy . I have once tried another recipe of three cups chicken , but I don't really like the   outcome of it. This time, it's different . I pretty love this dish as much as my family . I will rate this dish as 5 stars " must try " dish .
Again , I am not going to post the full recipe here . Please kindly hop over to Wendy's blog for the full recipe of this dish . As seen on my pic, I was not able to find any Thai Basil . I just have to omit it from this dish . Even without Thai Basil , this dish still turn out to be delicious . A recipe worth keeping .
Dinner menu was great : Pork rib peanut porridge with three cups chicken . Yummy . Verdict : everyone loves the three cups chicken which add flavors to our commonly found pork ribs peanut porridge . LOL. Enjoy ...


  1. Hi Abigail, this looks absolutely delicious and appetizing! Would love the porridge and chicken for dinner.

  2. Your little boy is very cute! And that is a delicious and scrumptious dinner!

    1. LOL... tq Joyce, still can't beat yours... ;)

  3. thanks for trying out this dish and the beautiful comments about it.
    Some restaurants just cincai do it and it is totally not like the real version.
    One restaurant here even uses curry leaves!!! U say siao or not?

    BTW, you can substitute with Sweet Basil. Easily available in supermarkets.

    1. Hi Wendy , thanks for sharing this dish. I have to agree with u . some restaurant just cincai cook and name it 3 cups . :P. Sad things is , I can't even find sweet basil dat day . :(

  4. i hv not tried anything 3 cup but have eaten 3 cup chicken in a restaurant ..right now i kind of forgot how it tasted like. 3 cups or 4 cups, the picture looks great!!

    1. Hi Lena , you should try this. Really yummy ;)

  5. Hi Abbygail, I'll definitely be hopping over to get the Three Cups Chicken recipe, it's one of my favourite chicken dishes. Yours look very delicious too! *Slurp!* I've nominated you an award at hope you like it!

    1. Tq Jasline... I love it so much. I'll hop over to grab the award as soon as possible. ;)

  6. This looks delicious! You have a Sweet boy!

  7. Abby, nice meeting you and your family last Saturday. You did a nice job on the chicken dish:D

    1. Hi Veron , thank you for dropping by . Nice meeting you too ;)
